14% of Brits buy Disney+ subscription as UK faces prolonged time indoors

Interest in Disney’s new streaming service has risen significantly in the lead up to its launch on March 24th, according to new research.
Interest in Disney’s new streaming service has risen significantly in the lead up to its launch on March 24th, according to new research.
Amazon has placed a temporary ban on certain items in its warehouses, to cope with overwhelming demand for household essentials due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Amazon is to launch a new business line that sells the technology behind its cashier-less convenience stores to other retailers.
Sky was the UK’s biggest spender in traditional advertising in 2019, according to new data.
A third of customers (34%) are demanding more tailored and alternative benefits for their loyalty instead of points – the strongest appeal coming from Millennials and Centennials, according to new research.
Research firm Gartner has revealed five emerging trends in technology adoption and where service organizations are getting the most return on investments (ROI) today.
Major corporations around the world, including Twitter, Amazon and Nike are putting in place extra measures to try and limit the spread of novel coronavirus.
Online shoppers are at odds with their desire for personalised digital experiences from brands and their demand for privacy, according to new data.
Amazon has launched its first Amazon-branded supermarket called Go Grocery, located in the online retail giant’s home city of Seattle.
With demand for friction free payment transactions, such as contactless payments, using cards and digital wallet, predicted to grow by 300% globally over the next five years, retailers need to diversify and reimagine the traditional point of payment in-store and online, according to a new report.